Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cable Easter Vests

These little vests were nearly the death of me!! They turned out very cute and I am very glad I did them, but they became SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS!!!

First of all, the directions were completely and utterly confusing. I don't know how anyone gets a pattern published with the direction, "Ending on a wrong side row" in there. What the hell does that mean!?!? Everytime I thought I had it figured out, I didn't, and ended up having to read the instructions backwards most of the time. And I made this vest TWICE! So frustrating!!

What makes me the most angry about it all is that I KNOW there is a better way to say what she means! I have knit Debbie Bliss patterns before and never had such a difficult time. It baffles me that this pattern probably went through multiple tests before being published and NOBODY had the same issue as me? I find that incredibly hard to believe.

Now that I have vented I will say again that I do like the vests and I am glad that I made them. However, I will not be knitting from this pattern again and I fear it has tainted my love for all that is Debbie Bliss.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Secrets of a coupon crazy

A friend asked me for some tips on how to coupon which inspired me to write up this post. I am not a crazy like those extreme coupon people on TV who have stock piles in their garages, but I do save quite a bit!

1.) If you weren't going to buy it in the first place then you aren't really saving money. You may find a really great deal on Maalox but if you don't suffer from heartburn then why the heck are you buying it?????

2.) Only buy what you need!! This is in reference to all those people who have 40+ jars of pasta sauce taking up space in their basements and garages. Unless you plan on donating some of it to you local food bank then only buy what you need. If there is a really great deal on pasta sauce I may buy 4 jars at the most and that usually will last me until the next time it goes on sale. Which brings me to my next tip...

3.) Pay attention to sale cycles. Sale cycles are important! If you find a really good deal on something it usually will go on sale again in the future. Most sale cycles run every 3 months. Since I was talking about pasta sauce earlier we will just stick with that. For my family, 4 jars of pasta sauce will last us about 3 months so I only buy 4, NOT 40! (See tip #2).

4.) Get organized! I have a very simple coupon organizer from Staples. I love it!!!

5.) Shop where they double coupons!!! This one is easy. Many grocery stores double coupons if you have one of their "valued customer" cards.

6.) Get those "valued customer" cards! haha! Even the drug stores. They sometimes have the best deals around!! Also, if you use your Target debit card you get 5% off every single purchase. Notice I said DEBIT card. Its not credit! So great!!!!

7.) Shop early or call ahead. There are many coupon crazies out there!! If there is a really great deal on something then you can bet by the time you get there someone has already cleared them out. :( I have found the best way to avoid this is to call ahead to customer service and ask them to hold the amount you want for you. I have never ever had a problem with this! They are really great about this at my grocery store!

8.) Plan ahead about where to use which coupons where. For example, a 75 coupon is worth double at my grocery store so I may use that there instead of at Target where they don't double. However, Target will accept a manufacturers coupon AND a Target coupon so somtimes you save more that way. A little planning goes a long way!!

9.) Sometimes its just better to go generic. There are some things that are just no good generic and I totally get that, but I have found that somtimes even with the best couponing and planning that generic is still cheaper and just as good. I have found this to be true mostly with drugs like, tylenol, allergy meds, antacids, vitamins, ect. Just buy the generic version. They work just as good and are way more affordable.

10.) Pay attention to all those sale papers you throw out most of the time!! I like to go through mine and circle all the things I need first, then I make a list, then I sort my coupons out, then I determine where/when I will use them. Planning is the key!

Well, I hope that was helpful!! I am sure there are many more things you can do like go online and print coupons and such, but these are just the things that I do. Happy shopping!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spirituality and Motherhood

These two things just don't really go well together for me these days. At least, that has been my experience. Number one reason why: Who the hell has the time???!?!??!? Sure, I would love to meditate and have some quiet time to myself every now and then but when does that happen? I would love to sit and contemplate whats going on in the world today and politics, but first I need to figure out whats for dinner, how I'm going to make $100 stretch into groceries for 2 weeks, and keep a 20 month entertained enough all day that he will actually sleep through the night. And those are just a few things! The list goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on... I feel like all the advice on TV these days is about slowing down and taking time for yourself and how you need to put yourself back on the priority list, blah blah blah. I truly believe those people don't have kids or have full time nannies at least. This post is really just a rant. I just want to tell all those gurus to shove it! Maybe one day when my kids are grown and can take care of themselves I will meditate and "know myself" but currently, my spiritual fulfillment comes in a glass of wine at the end of what is always a very very long day. Thats all.